Statements and Letters on the Middle East crisis
ACT: Churches and their agencies call for the protection of civilian life and humanitarian access to those in need

Geneva, August 15, 2006Action by Churches Together (ACT) International today called on the international community to ensure that all parties engaged in conflict, such as the most recent fighting in Lebanon, now stayed...
[Leer más]Statement by Rev. Dr Ishmael Noko, General Secretary, The Lutheran World Federation, Geneva, 15 August 2006

I welcome the unanimous passage by the UN Security Council of a resolution to bring to an end the armed hostilities in Lebanon and northern Israel, which have caused so much suffering and destruction over the last...
[Leer más]Statement of Church Related Organizations in the Holy Land on the Current Situation in Lebanon and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
The undersigned Church Related Organizations, appalled by the destruction and use of blatant military force by Israel in both Lebanon and the Palestinian Territories, have gathered in prayer at St. Stephan's Cathedral...
[Leer más]Pax Christi International: Respect International Humanitarian Law in Middle East

Pax Christi, the international Catholic peace movement, with 95-member organisations active worldwide, is extremely concerned about the vicious spiral of violent conflict and violations of human rights in the Middle...
[Leer más]In the Name of God, Stop the Killing in the Middle East

I strongly urge the State of Israel to suspend all bombing in Lebanon and for Israel and the Hezbollah forces to observe a total ceasefire, assisted by the United Nations. The world can no longer tolerate the behavior...
[Leer más]Conference of European Churches: Statement by the Venerable Colin Williams, General Secretary

Churches throughout Europe have reacted with distress and concern to the developing situation in the Middle East. Throughout the continent, church leaders have been urging their governments to bring pressure to bear on...
[Leer más]Religions for Peace: An Urgent Appeal to Stop the Spiraling Violence in Lebanon and Across the Middle East

The spiral of violence affected heavily the regional youth meeting of Religions for Peace. A prospective participant from Palestine was too affected by the events to take part of in the meeting, while another confirmed...
[Leer más]Pax Christi International : End Escalation of Violence in the Middle East

Pax Christi, the international Catholic peace movement, with 95-member organisations active worldwide, is extremely concerned about the vicious spiral of violence in the Middle East over the past weeks. The number of...
[Leer más]Letter of the Christian Council of Sweden to the Middle East Council of Churches

Profoundly concerned and shocked by the recent escalation of violence in Lebanon, northern Israel and Gaza as well as the ongoing terror of violent attacks in Iraq, the Christian Council of Sweden wants to express our...
[Leer más]Letter from the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea to the Middle East Council of Churches

The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK), together with all peace-loving people in the world, has prayed for peace in the Middle East region. However, as we hear the news of the continuing hostility,...
[Leer más]Statement by World Association for Christian Communication on hostilities in Lebanon

Yet again one country is suffering the full military onslaught of another unimaginably more powerful. Israel justifies its action in the name of self-defence and territorial integrity. People die on both sides, but the...
[Leer más]Archbishop of Canterbury condemns escalating violence in the Middle East

Today, as thousands of foreign passport-holders are evacuated from Beirut, I am only too conscious of the plight of those, from all communities, who have no place of refuge from the violence that has been unleashed. It...
[Leer más]Letter from the Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe to the Middle East Council of Churches

With great shock, sorrow and concern we hear and see the escalation of military conflict in your region. We join you in prayer for an end of the militarization, and we support your plea for an immediate return to...
[Leer más]Letter of the Council of Churches in the Netherlands to the Middle East Council of Churches

The Council of Churches in the Netherlands is deeply shocked by the recent outbursts of violence in Lebanon, Israel and the Gaza region. It is terrible to see that many violent and terrifying events caused death,...
[Leer más]Letter from the Caribbean Conference of Churches to the Middle East Council of Churches

We noted your statement published by the Churches of the Middle East Peace and we join with them and the National Council of Churches (NCC), USA, in calling upon the USA to broker a cease fire in the Middle East. ...
[Leer más]Caritas Jerusalem Pleas for Gaza

Palestinian civilians suffer as Israel steps up its military response in the Gaza Strip. Basic necessities are lacking.
[Leer más]A Statement of the National Council of Churches USA and Church World Service on the current violence in the Middle East

Jesus' lament echoes over the landscape of the Middle East, and in the hearts of men and women everywhere, as we witness the senseless violence engulfing the region. Is there ever to be an end to violence in the land we...
[Leer más]Statement on Resumption of Middle East Violence

The United Nations and the major powers, including the United States, must move quickly to control the new outbreaks of violence that threaten to plunge the Middle East into yet another round of warfare.
[Leer más]Caritas Jerusalem: Report on the situation in the Gaza Strip

(Jerusalem - July 6, 2006) - The current situation in the Gaza Strip is descending precipitously into a serious humanitarian disaster. Caritas Jerusalem operates a medical center in the Gaza Strip as well as a mobile...
[Leer más]WCC news on Middle East
EAPPI Newsletter - July 2011

In September, the Palestinian leadership plans to seek recognition as an independent state from the United Nations. The situation in the Middle East continues to be impredictable. But, the Ecumenical ...
[Leer más]EAPPI Newsletter - February 2011

Across the Middle East and North Africa, the year 2011 has begun in dramatic fashion. While media coverage has focused on unfolding events in Egypt, the situation in the occupied Palestinian ...
[Leer más]Comment from the WCC general secretary on the killings in Hebron
The Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches, condemns the killings of four Israeli settlers near Hebron in the West Bank on Tuesday and expresses his condolences ...
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