The Responsibility to Protect: International Ecumenical Consultation
Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshain - Schmitten, Germany
The international responsibility to protect people at risk applies to Darfur, the WCC executive committee said in September.
Photo: A girl in a camp for the displaced near Zalingei, West Darfur. © Simon Peter Odong, ACT/Caritas
Does the human family have the responsibility - or even the duty - to intervene when states are no longer capable or willing to protect some segments of their population? How can adequate information about gross human rights violations be secured?
These and related concerns are on the agenda for discussion during this consultation, jointly organised by the WCC's Commission on International Affairs and the Decade to Overcome Violence, by the Theological Working Group on the Decade within the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen in Germany and the Protestant Church in Hessen and Nassau to which the Arnoldshain Academy belongs.
The consultation is part of the European focus of the Decade to Overcome Violence and of the preparatory process leading to an Ecumenical Declaration on Just Peace to be presented to the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in May 2011.
More information on the website of Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshain
Friday, November 16
Arrivals till 18.00
18.00 Dinner
19.00 Opening of the Consultation
Dr. Guillermo KERBER, World Council of Churches (WCC) - Geneva
Dr. Hermann DUERINGER, Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau
19.30 The Responsibility to Protect - Scope and challenges
Dr. Hugo SLIM, Corporates for Crisis - London
Security and Vulnerability
Rev. Raag ROLFSEN, Church of Norway - Oslo
Floor open for discussion
Saturday, November 17
8.00 Breakfast
9.00 Morning Prayer
9.30 Moderator: Dr. Geiko Muller-Fahrenholz, WCC
Peacemaking and Policing
The View of the Historic Peace Churches
Prof. Dr. Fernando ENNS, University of Hamburg
R2P & Just Policing: A Roman Catholic and Yoderian Perspective
Prof. Dr. Tobias WINRIGHT, University of St. Louis - St Louis
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 "R2P" in Orthodox Perspective
Dr. Marian SIMEON - Boston Theological Institute - Boston
11.30 Response to the 3 positions:
Rev. Dr. Konrad RAISER, Former WCC General Secretary, Berlin
Floor discussion
12.30 Lunch
14.30 How to establish the truth about gross human rights
violations? How to assess the criteria for intervention?
Moderator: Rev. Barbara Rudolph, General Secretary,
Council of Christian Churches in Germany
Mr. Marc SAXER, Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung - Berlin
Ms. Sapna CHHATPAR, World Federalist Movement - New York
15.30 Coffee Break
16.00 Churches and civil society as agents of peace:
prevention, mitigation and reconciliation
Moderator: Dr. Guillermo KERBER, WCC
Mr. Ernie REGHER, Project Ploughshares - Waterloo
Ms. Camilla BUZZI, Norwegian Church Aid - New York
Ms. Semegnish ASFAW, WCC - Geneva
18.30 Dinner
19.30 Reception by the Protestant Church in Hesse and
Sunday, November 18, 2007
8.00 Breakfast
9.00 Morning prayer led by Rev. Mechthild Gunkel,
Zentrum Ökumene
Group1: Theological Issues and Church-related Policies of "R2P"
Group2: Political challenges (R2P in the global context)
10.30 Coffee Break
11.00 Plenary Session
Moderator: Dr. Hermann Dueringer
Working Groups' reporting
Closing Acrions
12.30 Lunch